Cala­là / Espa­ñol / Fra­nçais / Ita­liano / Por­tu­guês

Estu­dios Socia­les Maritimos’s group of the UNMdP informs that the call to publish arti­cles, papers, essays, inter­views, trans­la­tions, deba­tes, sta­te of the art and book reviews, is open per­ma­nently on the Revis­ta de Estu­dios Mari­ti­mos y Socia­les.

Papers sub­mit­ted to the Arti­cles sec­tion shall be sub­ject to eva­lua­tion by least two outsi­de mem­bers who may offi­cia­te as refe­rees or appoint spe­cia­lists deem rele­vant to the refe­reeing. The papers pre­sen­ted to the other sec­tions will be sub­ject to eva­lua­tion by least two inter­nal and/or outsi­de mem­bers who may offi­cia­te as refe­rees or appoint spe­cia­lists deem rele­vant to the refe­reeing. In any case, the publi­ca­tion of the paper would be taken into con­si­de­ra­tion by the Edi­to­rial Committee.

Edi­to­rial guidelines
